We sell Peace-of-mind! ©
Of the many choices available, we appreciate you considering us for your vacuuming needs.
Serving Naperville, Chicago and suburbs for over 20 years with the type of customer attention our
grandfather taught us... [quote] "If you don't service the customer, someone else will".
Our Grandfather taught us:
"If you don't service the customer, someone else will!"
We've taken it one step further. "We Sell Peace-of-Mind!"
- Detailed 1-on-1 attention, your vacuum questions & concerns are priority!
- Bring in your old vacuum, we gladly accept trade-in's!!
- Only vacuum shop which utilizes gauges & meters to test your vacuum
- All questions will be answered in a polite, non-bias & professional manner
- Loaner vacuums are always free to our customers
- You won't be rushed through a cash register or revolving door
- We don't sell sinks, clothes, groceries or gum; we specialize in vacuums!
- Our staff is fully trained in vacuums and won't rush you through a line
- Vacuums are supposed to last 10-20 years, it's our job to make sure of it
- On-site warranty for all major brands, PLUS free loaner vacuums!
- Voted largest vacuum dealer in Illinois!! (over 240 vacuums in showroom)
- TESTIMONIALS: We opted not to list the 100's of testimonials. Instead,
down below you'll notice some of our commercial clients we've served
throughout the years. If they trust us, we hope we can earn your trust too!
Whether you'd like to replace, repair or restore your conventional vacuum or
central vacuum, It would be our privilege to sit down with you and give you
options so you have the necessary information to make a decisive choice. Of
course, if you simply have questions, please don't hesitate to call, click or stop
by our showroom. Our suggestions & help are always free... OR stop by and
browse from hundreds of vacuums to choose from!

Would you get this from a big box store or online retailer?
NapervilleVacuums.com 415 E Ogden Ave Naperville IL 60563 MAP Mon-Thurs: 10-6 Fri: 10-5 Sat: 10-4
Current vacuums on display: 293